
华中师范大学 人工智能教育学部 教育大数据应用技术国家工程研究中心 研究员



Tai Wang, An introduction on mathematical foundations of epistemic network analysis and its applications, invited talk (online), 4th Int'l. Conf. on Computer Science and Technologies in Education (CSTE), Xi'an, China, May. 2022   

Yan Liu, Tai Wang,  Haifeng Bo, Na Zhang, The Influence of personality on epistemic network in an open-ended question discussion scenario, 4th Int'l. Conf. on Computer Science and Technologies in Education (CSTE), Xi'an, China, May. 2022 (刘艳代表小组作线上报告) 


Tai Wang, Huan Li, Coreference resolution improves educational knowledge graph construction, 11th IEEE Int'l. Conf. on Knowledge Graph (ICKG), Nanjing, China, Aug., 2020 (李欢代表小组作线上报告)

Tai Wang, Zhi Liu, Xiao-xiao Wu, Yun Tang, Xi-Cheng Peng, Sanya Liu, Characterizing concept conveying in interactions between MOOC students and assistants, 7th IEEE Int'l. Conf. on Teaching, Assessment, Learning in Engineering (TALE), Australia, Dec. 2018 (吴笑笑代表小组作报告).

Tai Wang, Qianqian Liu, Jing Jiang, Tonggui Li, Rating moocs: implications from gamification, The 6th Int'l. Conf. on Educational Innovation through Technology(EITT), Japan, Dec. 2017 (刘倩倩代表小组作报告).

王泰 学习空间理论,网络时代的心理与行为研究前沿——人类集体行为建模,华中师范大学,Oct. 15, 2017 (tutorial & workshop).

王泰、周宗奎 等, 潜在话题之间的共振:来自自然语言处理方法的证据,网络时代的心理与行为研究前沿,华中师范大学,Oct. 13, 2016 (presentation).

王泰、王源、姜扬、Ryan Baker 等, 中国大陆教育数据挖掘进展综述,网络时代的心理与行为研究前沿——行为与文本数据分析研讨会,华中师范大学,Oct. 13, 2015 (presentation).

Tai Wang, et al., Detection the role of a participant in a conversation by auto-moderator,2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Behavioral Sciences (APCCBS 2014), Seoul, Korea, Oct., 12-15, 2014 (Poster).

Tai Wang, et al., A simple model for social media, in Proc. of 45th Annual MathPsych, Columbus, Ohio, US, July, 21-24, 2012 (talk).

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